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Connecting The World With The Word Ministries Distinctives.

1. A friendly, welcoming atmosphere. We consider visitors our very special guests, and in turn, we believe in following the example set by Zacchaeus in Luke 19. How did he respond to Jesus’ appearance? He hurried down off his tree and gladly welcomed Jesus (v 6, CEV). Some might argue Well, Jesus received special treatment because of who he was. Indeed He did, and He expects us to lavish our fellow brethren with the same royal treatment- I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me! (Matt 25:40, NLT).

2. Kingdom Praise and Worship. David received an integral revelation concerning the manifest presence of God. Not only does God delight in our praise; He inhabits it (Psalm 22:3, KJV). Connecting The World With The Word (CTW) praise & worship is dynamic for one primary reason and that is entirely due to the welcome move of the Holy Spirit. While many churches have a Holy Ghost “smoke detector,” alerting those in leadership to his “agenda disrupting presence,” we orderly and boldly welcome His manifest presence and prophetic voice. God’s presence prepares our hearts to receive His Word, That is why we place tremendous emphasis on the essential prerequisite of praise.

3. Powerful, life-changing teaching. Week after week, Pastor Aldric boldly presents practical and revelatory Scriptural Truth with stunning simplicity. This is not a church that dumbs down, waters down, or confounds the Gospel message to simply encourage people where they are. Christ Himself refused to preach encouragement without exhortation – otherwise, He would be merely applauding complacency. Christ reached down and pulled up. That’s what the Word is all about: Building up our faith in Kingdom living and in signs and wonders. Faith cannot rise where the Word is not preached, for as Paul stated – So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17, KJV). If you’ve got a craving for the Word and the Supernatural, expect it to be satisfied under Pastor Aldric’s uncompromised teaching.

4. Interactive and community enriching Home Fellowship Groups. A body is fully functioning when all of its members are serving their intended purpose. Our home fellowship group Heart 2 Heart exists for this purpose: to meet the needs of every member of this church, spiritually and relationally. We need to follow the directive of Hebrews 10:25 and refuse to forsake the assembling of the brethren. For every member to progress towards spiritual maturity, they must be planted amidst fellow individuals of like faith. Jesus Christ summed up the law and the prophets into two potent commandments: Love God and love one another (see Mk 12:33). Our home fellowship groups exist to mobilize a people who are foremost devoted to God, and in turn, are bound together as a close knit community of believers. Our home fellowship groups meet every third Thursday of the month at 7pm at various locations. Please contact us if you are interested in joining a group, and provide us with your location so we can see you planted in the fellowship nearest you.

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© 2018 - Connecting The World With The Word Ministries
2708 Australian Ave., Suite 13 | West Palm Beach, FL 33407 | PH: (561) 502-4921
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